Calling Other Services (Rust)

We covered how to create transactions in test cases which call services in the previous chapter. Now we'll cover how services may call each other.

A Tale of Two Services

Let's create two services, arithmetic and arithmetic2.

cargo new --lib arithmetic
cargo new --lib arithmetic2

# arithmetic needs the psibase and serde packages
cd arithmetic
cargo add psibase
cargo add -F derive serde

# arithmetic2 also needs arithmetic
cd ../arithmetic2
cargo add psibase
cargo add -F derive serde
cargo add --path ../arithmetic

This creates the following tree:

├── arithmetic
│   ├── Cargo.lock
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│       └──
└── arithmetic2
    ├── Cargo.lock
    ├── Cargo.toml
    └── src

Replace arithmetic/src/ with the following:

mod service {
    fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b

Replace arithmetic2/src/ with the following:

mod service {
    fn mult_add(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, d: i32) -> i32 {
        // Synchronous call to other service
        arithmetic::Wrapper::call().add(a * b, c * d)

// Our test case needs both services to function
#[psibase::test_case(services("arithmetic", "arithmetic2"))]
fn test_arith(chain: psibase::Chain) -> Result<(), psibase::Error> {
    // Verify arithmetic works
    assert_eq!(arithmetic::Wrapper::push(&chain).add(3, 4).get()?, 7);

    // Verify arithmetic2 works
    assert_eq!(Wrapper::push(&chain).mult_add(3, 4, 5, 6).get()?, 42);


Try Them Out

Run the following from arithmetic2/. This will build both services, build the test, and run it.

cargo psibase test

Who called me?

A service may call get_sender to find out which service or user called it. A service also may use get_service to get the account that the service is running on.

fn do_something() {
        psibase::get_sender() == expectedAccount,
        "you're not who I expected",

Recursion Safety

By default, Rust services forbid recursive calls. This prevents a series of exploits based on this pattern:

  • Service A calls Service B
  • Service B calls back into Service A

Service A may opt into allowing recursion by setting the recursive option to true:

#[psibase::service(recursive = true)]

This requires very careful design to prevent exploits. The following is a non-exhaustive list of potential attacks:

  • A writes to a table, calls B, then writes to another table. Since it was in the middle of writing, A's overall state is inconsistent. B calls a method on A which malfunctions because of the inconsistency between the two tables.
  • A reads some rows from a table then calls B. B calls an action in A which modifies the table. When B returns, A relies on the previously-read, but now out of date, data.
  • A calls B while iterating through a table index. B calls an action in A which modifies the table. When B returns, the iteration is now in an inconsistent state.

Rust's borrow checker doesn't prevent these attacks since nothing is mutably borrowed long term. Tables wrap psibase's kv native functions, which treat the underlying KV store as if it were in an UnsafeCell. The Rust table wrappers can't protect against this since it's possible, and normal under recursion, to create multiple wrappers covering the same data range.

Library Or Program?

We use cargo new --lib to create services. The top level is instead of Does this mean that psibase services are libraries?

They are in some ways, but not in others. The WASM spec doesn't distinguish between libraries and programs. A WASM file contains a set of exported functions which things on the outside can call into. It also declares a set of imported functions that allow it to call things outside of itself. This makes WASMs a lot like libraries, but there's also a concept that makes them a lot like programs: memory isolation. Unless a WASM exports its memory so that other WASMs can import it, or imports its memory so another WASM can provide it, the WASM's address space isn't accessible to other WASMs, just like a program. Psibase doesn't currently allow services to share memory with each other; it copies data between them when necessary.

Cargo and the Rust compiler can build WASMs from either libraries or programs. They have this tradeoff:

  • A package may provide any number of programs, but at most 1 library.
  • Programs and libraries may use definitions from other libraries, but not from other programs.

To make it easy for Rust service A to call Rust service B, A needs to use wrapper definitions from B. If B is a library, e.g., then this is easy. If B is a program, e.g., then this is impossible unless B's package defines both a program and a library. This would have complicated the psibase::service attribute macro and forced service authors to split their code between header-like files and implementation-like files. We avoided this in most cases by deciding that Rust services will be libraries. Both the service macro and cargo-psibase make this assumption. We made the opposite choice for C++ services; it's easier and cleaner for CMake to build WASM from programs than it is from libraries.