

psibase - The psibase blockchain command line client


psibase [-a url] boot [-p name] [-k public-key] [packages...]
psibase [-a url] create [-i | -k public-key] [-S sender] name
psibase [-a url] deploy [-p] account filename
psibase [-a url] info packages...
psibase [-a url] install [-k public-key] packages...
psibase [-a url] list [--all | --available | --installed]
psibase [-a url] modify [-i | -k public-key] account
psibase [-a url] search regex...
psibase [-a url] upload [-r] [-t content-type] source [dest] -S sender
psibase create-token [-e expiration] [-m mode]
psibase subcommand [args...]


psibase is the command-line tool for interacting with psibase blockchains.


  • -a, --api url

    psinode API Endpoint. The default is

  • -h, --help

    Print help information

  • -s, --sign private-key

    Sign transactions with this key. The key can be in any of the following forms:

    • A file containing a PEM or DER encoded private key
    • A PKCS #11 URI
  • --trace format

    For commands that push transactions to the chain, determines how the result is reported.

    • error: If the transaction failed, show the error message
    • stack (default): If the transaction failed, show a stack trace from the action that caused the error
    • full: Shows all actions in the trace
    • json: Shows the full transaction trace as JSON



psibase [-a url] boot [-p name] [-k public-key] [packages...]

The boot command deploys a set of system services and web interfaces suitable for development. The chain will have a single block producer. The chain can only be booted once.

  • packages

    Packages to install to the chain. If not specifed, a default set will be installed.

  • -k, --account-key public-key

    Set the producer account to use this key for transaction authentication. The public key can be any of the following:

    • A file containing a PEM or DER encoded public key
    • A PKCS #11 URI
  • --block-key public-key

    Set the producer's block signing key. The public key can be any of the following:

    • A file containing a PEM or DER encoded public key
    • A PKCS #11 URI
  • -p, --producer name

    Set the name of the block producer. psinode should be configured to use the same name.

  • --package-source url

    Specifies a package repository. If multiple repositories are provided, the ones listed earlier will be preferred over those listed later. The default is the local package repository.


psibase [-a url] create [-i | -k public-key] [-S sender] name

Create or modify an account

  • -i, --insecure

    The account won't be secured; anyone can authorize as this account without signing. This option does nothing if the account already exists. Caution: this option should not be used on production or public chains.

  • -k, --key public-key

    Set the account to authenticate using this key. Also works if the account already exists. The public key can be any of the following:

    • A file containing a PEM or DER encoded public key
    • A PKCS #11 URI
  • -S, --sender account

    Sender to use when creating the account [default: accounts].


psibase [-a url] deploy [-p] account filename

Deploy a service

  • account

    Account to deploy the service on

  • filename

    A wasm file containing the service

  • -c, --create-account public-key

    Create the account if it doesn't exist. Also set the account to authenticate using this key, even if the account already existed

  • -i, --create-insecure-account

    Create the account if it doesn't exist. The account won't be secured; anyone can authorize as this account without signing. Caution: this option should not be used on production or public.

  • -p, --register-proxy

    Register the service with HttpServer. This allows the service to host a website, serve RPC requests, and serve GraphQL requests.

  • -S, --sender sender

    Sender to use when creating the account [default: accounts]


psibase [-a url] info packages...

Displays the contents of packages

  • packages

    Packages to show

  • --package-source url

    Specifies a package repository. If multiple repositories are provided, the ones listed earlier will be preferred over those listed later. The default is the local package repository.


psibase [-a url] install [-k public-key] packages...

Install packages to the chain along with all dependencies. If any of the requested packages are already installed, they will be updated if a newer version is available.

  • packages

    Packages to install

  • -k public-key

    Set all accounts created by the new packages to authenticate using this key. If no key is provided, the accounts will not require authentication. The public key can be any of the following:

    • A file containing a PEM or DER encoded public key
    • A PKCS #11 URI
  • --reinstall

    Packages that are requested directly (not dependencies) will be installed even if they are already installed and up-to-date.

  • --package-source url

    Specifies a package repository. If multiple repositories are provided, the ones listed earlier will be preferred over those listed later. The default is the local package repository.


psibase [-a url] list [--all | --available | --installed]

Prints a list of packages from the chain and/or package repositories

  • --all

    Prints all known packages (default)

  • --available

    Prints packages that are available in the repository, but not installed on chain

  • --installed

    Prints packages that are currently installed

  • --package-source url

    Specifies a package repository. If multiple repositories are provided, the ones listed earlier will be preferred over those listed later. The default is the local package repository.


psibase [-a url] modify [-i | -k public-key] account

Modify an account

  • -i, --insecure

    Make the account insecure, even if it has been previously secured. Anyone will be able to authorize as this account without signing. Caution: this option should not be used on production or public chains

  • -k, --key

    Set the account to authenticate using this key. The public key can be any of the following:

    • A file containing a PEM or DER encoded public key
    • A PKCS #11 URI

psibase [-a url] search regex...

Search for packages

  • regex

    Regular expressions to match agaist the package names and descriptions. If there are multiple patterns, they must all match for a package to be listed. The search is case-insensitive.

  • --package-source url

    Specifies a package repository. If multiple repositories are provided, the ones listed earlier will be preferred over those listed later. The default is the local package repository.


psibase [-a url] upload [-r] [-t content-type] source [dest] -S sender

Upload a file to a service's subdomain. The file will be stored to and served from the sender's namespace within the sites service.

  • -r, --recursive

    If source is a directory, upload its contents recursively. The files may be split across multiple transactions if they are too large to fit in a single transaction.

  • -t, --content-type content-type

    MIME Content-Type of the file. If not specified, it will be guessed from the file name. Cannot be used with -r.

  • source

    Source filename to upload

  • dest

    Destination path at the subdomain from which the file will be served. If not specified, defaults to the file name of source or / for recursive uploads.

  • -S, --sender sender

    Account to use as the sender of the transaction. Required. Files are uploaded to this account's subdomain.


psibase create-token [-e expiration] [-m mode]

Create an access token. psibase will prompt for the key to use to sign the token. For the token to be useful, the server must enable bearer tokens with the same key.

  • -e, --expires-after seconds

    Lifetime of the token in seconds. The default is 1 hour.

  • -m, --mode mode

    The permissions granted by the token. Should be r or rw. The default is rw.

Custom Commands

psibase subcommand [args...]__

Additional psibase subcommands can be implemented in WASM. They will be found in $PREFIX/share/psibase/wasm/.


  • $PREFIX/share/psibase/packages/index.json

    Local package repository

  • $PREFIX/share/psibase/wasm/psibase-*.wasm

    Custom subcommands


psibase-create-snapshot(1), psibase-load-snapshot(1)