
Logging in psinode can be configured at startup in the server's configuration file (found in <DATABASE>/config) or through the HTTP API while the server is running.

Config File

Each logger has a section in the config file called [logger.<NAME>]. The name of the logger is only significant to identify the logger.

type   = console
filter = Severity >= info
format = [{TimeStamp}] [{Severity}]: {Message}

Each logger should have the following properties

typeThe type of the logger: console, file, or local
filterThe filter for the logger
formatDetermines the format of log messages

Console logger

The console logger writes to the server's stderr. It does not use any additional configuration. There should not be more than one console logger.

File logger

The file logger writes to a named file and optionally provides log rotation and deletion. Multiple file loggers are supported as long as they do not write to the same files.

filenameThe name of the log file
targetThe pattern for renaming the current log file when rotating logs. If no target is specified, the log file will simply be closed and a new one opened.
rotationSizeThe file size in bytes when logs will be rotated
rotationTimeThe time when logs are rotated. If it is a duration such as "P8H" or "P1W", the log file will be rotated based on the elapsed time since it was opened. If it is a time, such as "12:00:00Z" or "01-01T00:00:00Z", logs will be rotated at the the specified time, daily, monthly, or annually. Finally, a repeating time interval of the form R/2020-01-01T00:00:00Z/P1W (start and duration) gives precise control of the rotation schedule.
maxSizeThe maximum total size of all log files.
maxFilesThe maximum number of log files.
flushIf set to true every log record will be written immediately. Otherwise, log records will be buffered.

filename and target can contain patterns which will be used to generate multiple file names. The pattern should result in a unique name or old log files may be overwritten. The paths are relative to the server's root directory.

%NA counter that increments every time a new log file is opened
%y, %Y, %m, %d, %H, %M, %Sstrftime format for the current time

Both rotation and log deletion trigger when any condition is reached.

When log files are deleted, the oldest logs will be deleted first. All files that match the target pattern are assumed to be log files and are subject to deletion.


type         = file
filter       = Severity >= info
format       = [{TimeStamp}]: {Message}
filename     = psibase.log
target       = psibase-%Y%m%d-%N.log
rotationTime = 00:00:00Z
rotationSize = 16 MiB
maxFiles     = 128
maxSize      = 1 GiB

Local socket logger

The socket type local writes to a local datagram socket. Each log record is sent in a single message. With an appropriate format, it can be used to communicate with logging daemons on most unix systems.

pathThe socket path


type   = local
filter = Severity >= info
format = {Syslog:glibc}{Message}
path   = /dev/log

Pipe logger

The pipe logger sends log messages to the stdin of a subprocess. The format MUST include any necessary framing.

commandThe command will be run as if by popen(3) with the working directory set to the server's root directory.

The command SHOULD exit after receiving EOF. If it fails to do so, a configuration change that updates the command may terminate the previous command with a signal.

The value is passed literally to the shell without preprocessing by psinode.


type    = pipe
filter  = Severity >= info
format  = {FrameDec:{Syslog:rfc5424}{Message}}
command = nc --send-only --ssl-verify --ssl-cert logcert.pem --ssl-key logkey.pem logs.psibase.io 6154
type    = pipe
filter  = Severity >= error
format  = notify-send -a {Process} -i /usr/share/psibase/icons/psibase.svg '{Process} {Channel}' \"{Escape:$`\\\":{Message}}\"\n
command = /bin/sh

Differences from JSON

The config file format is intended to allow manual editing and is therefore more permissive than the JSON format used by the HTTP API, which is designed as a machine-to-machine interface.

  • rotationSize and maxSize can specify units, such as KiB, MiB, GiB, etc. The JSON format requires a Number in bytes only.
  • TODO: currently rotationTime is pretty human-unfriendly

Log Filters

Every logger has an associated filter. Filters determine whether to output any particular log record.

ATTR-NAME   ::= alphanumeric chars
ATTR-VALUE  ::= chars that are neither whitespace nor any of "&|:{}()
ATTR-VALUE  ::= double-quoted string


  • Everything except debug messages: Severity >= info
  • Everything about a specific peer: PeerId = 42
  • Warnings, errors, and blocks: Severity >= warning or Channel = block

Log Formatters

Formatters specify how a log record is formatted. The following replacements are performed on the template string:

  • {attribute}: If attribute is defined, expands to its textual representation. If attribute is not defined, expands to the empty string.
  • {attribute:format-spec}: If attribute is defined, expands to the textual representation specified by format-spec. If attribute is not defined, expands to the empty string.
  • {?filter:subformat}: If filter is true, expands subformat. Otherwise, expands to the empty string.
  • {?:subformat}: If every attribute in subformat is defined, expands subformat. Otherwise, expands to the empty string.
  • {{: Replaced with {
  • }}: Replaced with } only outside of any expansion


  • [{TimeStamp}] [{Severity}]: {Message}
  • [{Timestamp}] [{Severity}]{?: [{RemoteEndpoint}]}: {Message}{?: {BlockId}}


AttributeAvailabilityFilter PredicatesNotes
BlockIdblocks=, !=
ChannelAll records=, !=Possible values are http, p2p, chain, block, transaction, and consensus
EscapeFormattersN/AEscapes a list of characters in a subformat.
FrameDecFormattersN/APrefixes a nested format with a decimal octet count
HostAll records=, !=The system's FQDN (not the HTTP server's virtual hostname)
IndentFormattersN/AFormats an indented block
JsonFormattersN/AFormats the entire log record as JSON
MessageFormattersN/AThe log message
PeerIdp2p connections=, !=, <, >, <=, >=
ProcessAll records=, !=The program name (usually psinode)
ProcessIdAll records=, !=, <, >, <=, >=The server's pid
RemoteEndpointHTTP requests and p2p connections=, !=
RequestHostHTTP requests=, !=The value of the Host header
RequestMethodHTTP requests=, !=The HTTP method of the request: GET, POST, etc.
RequestTargetHTTP requests=, !=
ResponseBytesHTTP requests=, !=, <, >, <=, >=The size of the response payload
ResponseStatusHTTP requests=, !=, <, >, <=, >=The numeric status code of the response
ResponseTimeHTTP requests=, !=, <, >, <=, >=The elapsed time in microseconds spent handling the request
SeverityAll records=, !=, <, >, <=, >=The value is one of debug, info, notice, warning, error, or critical
SyslogFormattersN/AFormats a syslog header.
TimeStampAll records=, !=, <, >, <=, >=ISO 8601 extended format
Tracetransactions and HTTP requestsNoneThe transaction trace formatted as JSON
TraceConsoletransactions and HTTP requestsNoneThe console output of the transation. Can contain arbitrary bytes.
TransactionIdtransactions=, !=


Severity can be formatted as a string with the s format-spec or as a number with the d format-spec. The default is a string. If Severity is formatted as a number, the value will be interpreted as follows (matching syslog):


Note that the numeric order is reversed. Comparisons in filters are ordered debug < info < notice < warning < error < critical.


Characters can be backslash-escaped using {Escape:chars:subformat}. chars specifies the list of metacharacters to escape.


  • Escape a JSON string: {{{"message":"{Escape:\":{Message}}"}}}
  • Escape a shell command: foo "{Escape:\"`$:{Message}}"


Every line of a multi-line format can be indented with {Indent:width:subformat}.


  • {Indent:4:{TraceConsole}}


The Syslog format creates a syslog header. It should be prepended to the desired message format with no space.

The format-spec for Syslog may contain the following options:

  • format: one of bsd (equivalent to rfc3164), rfc3164, rfc5424, glibc. Default is bsd.
  • facility: A syslog facility number or keyword. Default is local0.

If both a format and facility are specified, they should be separated by a ;.


  • {Syslog:local1;rfc5424}
  • {Syslog:glibc}: Suitable for writing to /dev/log on linux systems.


This is the raw console output of a transaction. It is fully controlled by the service author and is not sanitized in any way. It should be escaped or encoded in a way that prevents lines in the contents from being treated as separate log records by any downstream tools.