
HTTP Endpoints

Push transaction

POST /push_transaction pushes a transaction. The user must pack the transaction using fracpack and pass in the binary as the request body. See Pack transaction for an RPC request which packs transactions. The Content-Type of the request body should be application/octet-stream.

If the transaction succeeds, or if the transaction fails but a trace is available, then psinode returns a 200 reply with a JSON body (below). If the transaction fails and a trace is not available, then it returns a 500 error with an appropriate message. The trace can be returned either as JSON (application/json) or fracpack (application/octet-stream). The Accept header can be used to choose a representation.

    "actionTraces": [...],  // Detailed execution information for debugging.
    "error": "..."          // Error message. Field will be empty or missing on success.
    // TODO: events?

If a transaction succeeds, the transaction may or may not make it into a block. If it makes it into a block, it may get forked back out.

➕ TODO: add lifetime tracking and reporting to psinode.

Future psinode versions may trim the action traces when not in a developer mode.


struct SystemService::Transact {
    const psibase::AccountNumber service;      // "transact"
    const uint64_t               serviceFlags; // Flags this service must run with

    startBoot(...);      // This action enables the boot procedure to be split across multiple blocks
    finishBoot(...);     // Only called once during chain initialization
    startBlock(...);     // Called by native code at the beginning of each block
    setSnapTime(...);    // Sets the time between snapshots
    addCallback(...);    // Adds a callback that will be run whenever the trigger happens. - onTransaction is run at the end of every transaction - onBlock runs at the end of every block
    removeCallback(...); // Removes an existing callback
    runAs(...);          // Run `action` using `action.sender's` authority
    getTransaction(...); // Get the currently executing transaction
    currentBlock(...);   // Get the current block header
    headBlock(...);      // Get the head block header
    headBlockTime(...);  // Get the head block time

All transactions enter the chain through this service.

This privileged service dispatches top-level actions to other services, checks TAPoS, detects duplicate transactions, and checks authorizations using SystemService::AuthInterface.

Other services use it to get information about the chain, current block, and head block. They also use it to call actions using other accounts' authorities via runAs.


void SystemService::Transact::startBoot(
    psio::view<const std::vector<psibase::Checksum256>> bootTransactions

This action enables the boot procedure to be split across multiple blocks.

It is only called once, immediately after the boot transaction.

bootTransactions defines the list of subsequent transaction hashes to which the node operator is committing as part of the boot sequence. The subsequent transactions listed must then be pushed in order, and no other transactions will be accepted until finishBoot is run.


void SystemService::Transact::finishBoot();

Only called once during chain initialization.

This enables the auth checking system. Before this point, Transact allows all transactions to execute without auth checks. After this point, Transact uses AuthInterface::checkAuthSys to authenticate top-level actions and uses of runAs.


void SystemService::Transact::startBlock();

Called by native code at the beginning of each block.


void SystemService::Transact::setSnapTime(
    psibase::Seconds seconds

Sets the time between snapshots.

A value of 0 will disable snapshots. This is a chain-wide setting because snapshots are signed by the block producers.


void SystemService::Transact::addCallback(
    CallbackType    type,
    bool            objective,
    psibase::Action act

Adds a callback that will be run whenever the trigger happens.

  • onTransaction is run at the end of every transaction
  • onBlock runs at the end of every block.

Objective callbacks are run by the transaction service and must have this service as the sender. If an objective callback fails, it will abort the block or transaction.

Subjective callbacks are run by native and must have no sender.

Callbacks are unique. addCallback will have no effect if an identical callback is already registered.

The order in which callbacks are executed is unspecified.


void SystemService::Transact::removeCallback(
    CallbackType    type,
    bool            objective,
    psibase::Action act

Removes an existing callback.


std::vector<char> SystemService::Transact::runAs(
    psibase::Action            action,
    std::vector<ServiceMethod> allowedActions

Run action using action.sender's authority.

Also adds allowedActions to the list of actions that action.service may perform on action.sender's behalf, for as long as this call to runAs is in the call stack. Use "" for service in allowedActions to allow use of any service (danger!). Use "" for method to allow any method.

Returns the action's return value, if any.

This will succeed if any of the following are true:

  • getSender() == action.sender's authService
  • getSender() == action.sender. Requires action.sender's authService to approve with flag AuthInterface::runAsRequesterReq (normally succeeds).
  • An existing runAs is currently on the call stack, getSender() matches action.service on that earlier call, and action matches allowedActions from that same earlier call. Requires action.sender's authService to approve with flag AuthInterface::runAsMatchedReq if allowedActions is empty (normally succeeds), or AuthInterface::runAsMatchedExpandedReq if not empty (normally fails).
  • All other cases, requires action.sender's authService to approve with flag AuthInterface::runAsOtherReq (normally fails).


psio::view<const psibase::Transaction> SystemService::Transact::getTransaction() const;

Get the currently executing transaction.


psibase::BlockHeader SystemService::Transact::currentBlock() const;

Get the current block header.


psibase::BlockHeader SystemService::Transact::headBlock() const;

Get the head block header.

This is not the currently executing block. See currentBlock.


psibase::BlockTime SystemService::Transact::headBlockTime() const;

Get the head block time.

This is not the currently executing block time. TODO: remove


struct SystemService::ServiceMethod {
    psibase::AccountNumber service; 
    psibase::MethodNumber  method;  

Identify a service and method.

An empty service or method indicates a wildcard.


struct SystemService::AuthInterface {
    const uint32_t readOnlyFlag;            // See header
    const uint32_t firstAuthFlag;           // See header
    const uint32_t requestMask;             // Bits which identify kind of request
    const uint32_t topActionReq;            // Top-level action
    const uint32_t runAsRequesterReq;       // See header
    const uint32_t runAsMatchedReq;         // See header
    const uint32_t runAsMatchedExpandedReq; // See header
    const uint32_t runAsOtherReq;           // See header

    checkAuthSys(...);   // Authenticate a top-level action or a `runAs` action
    canAuthUserSys(...); // Verify that a particular user is allowed to use a particular auth service. Allows auth services to use user whitelists.
    isAuthSys(...);      // Check whether a specified set of authorizer accounts are sufficient to authorize sending a transaction from a specified sender.
    isRejectSys(...);    // Check whether a specified set of rejecter accounts are sufficient to reject (cancel) a transaction from a specified sender.

Authenticate actions.

Transact calls into auth services using this interface to authenticate senders of top-level actions and uses of Transact::runAs. Any service may become an auth service by implementing AuthInterface. Any account may select any service to be its authenticator. Be careful; this allows that service to act on the account's behalf and that service to authorize other accounts and services to act on the account's behalf. It can also can lock out that account. See AuthSig for a canonical example of implementing this interface.

This interface can't authenticate non-top-level actions other than Transact::runAs actions. Most services shouldn't call or implement AuthInterface; use getSender().

Auth services shouldn't inherit from this struct. Instead, they should define methods with matching signatures.


void SystemService::AuthInterface::checkAuthSys(
    uint32_t                    flags,
    psibase::AccountNumber      requester,
    psibase::AccountNumber      sender,
    ServiceMethod               action,
    std::vector<ServiceMethod>  allowedActions,
    std::vector<psibase::Claim> claims

Authenticate a top-level action or a runAs action.

  • flags: One of the Req (request) constants, or'ed with 0 or more of the flag constants
  • requester: "" if this is a top-level action, or the sender of the runAs action. This is often different from action.sender.
  • sender The sender being requested for the action.
  • action: Action to authenticate
  • allowedActions: Argument from runAs
  • claims: Claims in transaction (e.g. public keys). Empty if runAs


void SystemService::AuthInterface::canAuthUserSys(
    psibase::AccountNumber user

Verify that a particular user is allowed to use a particular auth service. Allows auth services to use user whitelists..

Called by Accounts.

  • user: The user being checked


bool SystemService::AuthInterface::isAuthSys(
    psibase::AccountNumber                             sender,
    std::vector<psibase::AccountNumber>                authorizers,
    std::optional<std::vector<psibase::AccountNumber>> authSet

Check whether a specified set of authorizer accounts are sufficient to authorize sending a transaction from a specified sender..

  • sender: The sender account for the transaction potentially being authorized.
  • authorizers: The set of accounts that have already authorized the execution of the transaction.
  • authSet: The set of accounts that are already being checked for authorization. If the sender is already in this set, then the function should return false.


  • true: The authorizers are sufficient to authorize a transaction from the sender.
  • false: The authorizers are not sufficient to authorize a transaction from the sender.


bool SystemService::AuthInterface::isRejectSys(
    psibase::AccountNumber                             sender,
    std::vector<psibase::AccountNumber>                rejecters,
    std::optional<std::vector<psibase::AccountNumber>> authSet

Check whether a specified set of rejecter accounts are sufficient to reject (cancel) a transaction from a specified sender..

  • sender: The sender account for the transaction potentially being rejected.
  • rejecters: The set of accounts that have already authorized the rejection of the transaction.
  • authSet: The set of accounts that are already being checked for authorization. If the sender is already in this set, then the function should return false.


  • true: The rejecters are sufficient to reject a transaction from the sender.
  • false: The rejecters are not sufficient to reject a transaction from the sender.