JS libraries

Currently psibase hosts multiple JavaScript modules in the /common/ service tables. Currently, these libraries can only be used by dynamically importing them into your app. In the future, a package may be hosted on a registry to allow you to bundle the library with your application for better type safety and autocomplete.

RPC wrappers

/common/common-lib.js exports a set of utilities to aid interacting with psinode's RPC interface.

Function or TypeDescription
RPCErrorError type. This extends Error with a new field, trace, which contains the trace returned by push_transaction, if available.
throwIfError(response)Throw an RPCError if the argument (a Response object) indicates a failure. Doesn't fill trace since traces are only present with status 200. Returns the argument (Response) if not a failure.
siblingUrl(baseUrl, service, path)Reexport of siblingUrl from rootdomain and siblingUrl (js).
get(url)asyncfetch/GET. Returns Response object if ok or throws RPCError.
getJson(url)asyncfetch/GET. Returns JSON if ok or throws RPCError.
getText(url)asyncfetch/GET. Returns text if ok or throws RPCError.
postArrayBuffer(url, data)asyncfetch/POST ArrayBuffer. Returns Response object if ok or throws RPCError.
postArrayBufferGetJson(data)asyncfetch/POST ArrayBuffer. Returns JSON if ok or throws RPCError.
postGraphQL(url, data)asyncfetch/POST GraphQL. Returns Response object if ok or throws RPCError.
postGraphQLGetJson(data)asyncfetch/POST GraphQL. Returns JSON if ok or throws RPCError.
postJson(url, data)asyncfetch/POST JSON. Returns Response object if ok or throws RPCError.
postJsonGetArrayBuffer(data)asyncfetch/POST JSON. Returns ArrayBuffer if ok or throws RPCError.
postJsonGetJson(data)asyncfetch/POST JSON. Returns JSON if ok or throws RPCError.
postJsonGetText(data)asyncfetch/POST JSON. Returns text if ok or throws RPCError.
postText(url, data)asyncfetch/POST text. Returns Response object if ok or throws RPCError.
postTextGetJson(data)asyncfetch/POST text. Returns JSON if ok or throws RPCError.


/common/common-lib.js exports these conversion functions.

hexToUint8Array(data)Converts a hex string to a Uint8Array.
uint8ArrayToHex(data)Converts a Uint8Array to a hex string.


/common/common-lib.js exports these functions for packing and pushing transactions.

packAction(baseUrl, action)asyncPacks an action if needed. Returns a new action. An action is an object with fields sender, service, method, and either data or rawData. If rawData is present then it's already packed. Otherwise this function uses Packing actions to pack it.
packActions(baseUrl, actions)asyncPacks an array of actions.
packTransaction(baseUrl, trx)asyncPacks a transaction. Also packs any actions within it, if needed. Returns ArrayBuffer if ok or throws RPCError. See Pack transaction.
packSignedTransaction(baseUrl, trx)asyncPacks a signed transaction. Returns ArrayBuffer if ok or throws RPCError. See Pack transaction.
pushPackedSignedTransaction(baseUrl, packed)asyncPushes a packed signed transaction. If the transaction succeeds, then returns the trace. If it fails, throws RPCError, including the trace if available. See Push transaction.
packAndPushSignedTransaction(baseUrl, trx)asyncPacks then pushes a signed transaction. If the transaction succeeds, then returns the trace. If it fails, throws RPCError, including the trace if available.


/common/common-lib.js exports these functions for signing and pushing transactions

signTransaction(baseUrl, transaction, privateKeys)asyncSign transaction. Returns a new object suitable for passing to packSignedTransaction or packAndPushSignedTransaction.
signAndPushTransaction(baseUrl, transaction, privateKeys)asyncSign, pack, and push transaction.

signTransaction signs a transaction; it also packs any actions if needed. baseUrl must point to within the root domain, one of the service domains, or be empty or null; see rootdomain and siblingUrl (js). transaction must have the following form:

    tapos: {
        refBlockIndex: ...,   // Identifies block
        refBlockSuffix: ...,  // Identifies block
        expiration: "..."     // When transaction expires (UTC)
                              // Example value: "2022-05-31T21:32:23Z"
                              // Use `new Date(...)` to generate the correct format.
    actions: [],        // See below

Action has these fields:

  sender: "...",    // The account name authorizing the action
  service: "...",   // The service name to receive the action
  method: "...",    // The method name of the action

  data: {...},      // Method's arguments. Not needed if `rawData` is present.
  rawData: "...",   // Hex string containing packed arguments. Not needed if `data` is present.

privateKeys is an array which may contain a mix of:

Service utilities

/common/common-lib.js exports these utility functions:

getRootDomainasyncreturns the root domain for the queried node (e.g. psibase.
siblingUrlsiblingUrl(baseUrl, service, path)asyncSign, pack, and push transaction.

getRootDomain calls the /common/rootdomain/ endpoint, and the result is cached so subsequent calls will not make additional queries to the node.

siblingUrl makes it easy for scripts to reference other services' domains. It automatically navigates through reverse proxies, which may change the protocol (e.g. to HTTPS) or port (e.g. to 443) from what psinode provides.

  • baseUrl may point within either the root domain or one of the service domains. It also may be empty, null, or undefined for scripts running on webpages served by psinode.

Example uses:

  • siblingUrl(null, '', '/foo/bar'): Gets URL to /foo/bar on the root domain. This form is only usable by scripts running on webpages served by psinode.
  • siblingUrl(null, 'other-service', '/foo/bar'): Gets URL to /foo/bar on the other-service domain. This form is only usable by scripts running on webpages served by psinode.
  • siblingUrl('http://psibase.', '', '/foo/bar'): Like above, but usable by scripts running on webpages served outside of psinode.
  • siblingUrl('http://psibase.', 'other-service', '/foo/bar'): Like above, but usable by scripts running on webpages served outside of psinode.

Key Conversions

/common/common-lib.js exports functions which convert Elliptic KeyPair objects and Elliptic Signature objects to and from psibase's text and fracpack forms.

privateStringToKeyPair(s)Convert a private key in string form to {keyType, keyPair}
publicStringToKeyPair(s)Convert a public key in string form to {keyType, keyPair}
privateKeyPairToString({keyType, keyPair})Convert the private key in {keyType, keyPair} to a string
publicKeyPairToString({keyType, keyPair})Convert the public key in {keyType, keyPair} to a string
publicKeyPairToFracpack({keyType, keyPair})Convert the public key in {keyType, keyPair} to fracpack format in a Uint8Array
signatureToFracpack({keyType, signature})Convert the signature in {keyType, signature} to fracpack format in a Uint8Array

Each function accepts or returns a {keyType, keyPair} or {keyType, signature}, where keyType is one of the following values:

export const KeyType = {
  k1: 0,
  r1: 1,

Here are example private and public keys in text form:



The default auth app auth-sig accepts K1 or R1 keys.

React GraphQL hooks (js)