Basic Service (Rust)


Follow the Rust Installation Guide.

Getting Started

Run the following to create a project:

cargo new --lib example
cd example
cargo add psibase
cargo add -F derive serde

This creates the following files:

├── Cargo.toml      Project configuration
├── Cargo.lock      Versions of dependencies
└── src
    └──      Service source file

You don't need to manually make any changes to Cargo.toml to follow the examples in this book. Contrary to other Rust WASM guides, do not add a crate-type entry to Cargo.toml; cargo-psibase doesn't need it and it can cause problems in some situations. You should never edit Cargo.lock by hand.

Replace the content of with the following. This is our initial service:

mod service {
    fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b

    fn multiply(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a * b

Deploying the Service

If you have a local chain running, run:

cargo psibase deploy -i example

This will:

  • Build the service.
  • Create the example account, if it doesn't already exist. The account won't be secured; anyone can authorize as this account without signing. Caution: this option should not be used on production or public chains. -i is a shortcut for --create-insecure-account.
  • Deploy the just-built service on that account.

See the psibase cli docs for more information on psibase deploy.

Where's the pub?

The service module and the actions within it don't need to be public. Instead, the psibase::service macro generates public definitions which wrap the actions. You don't need to make the actions public to document them; the macro copies documentation from the action definitions to the generated definitions. It also copies documentation from the service module.

Psibase and Cargo

There are two related commands for interacting with psibase blockchains:

  • The psibase utility knows how to interact with blockchains.
  • cargo psibase builds, tests, and deploys Rust services on blockchains.

Here's an example of how they differ: psibase deploy has an argument which must point to an existing WASM. cargo psibase deploy builds and deploys the service identified by Cargo.toml.

Testing the Service

The next section, Testing Services covers testing our service.


There's a bug in both add and multiply. What is it? Even though it's still a bug, and can be exploitable in some situations, how is it less dangerous in Rust than it is in C++? How can you avoid it?