

struct UserService::InviteNs::Invite {
    const psibase::AccountNumber service;      // "invite"
    const psibase::AccountNumber payerAccount; // "invited-sys"

    Invite(...);       // Constructor prevents actions from being called until after init() has been called
    init(...);         // Called once during chain initialization
    createInvite(...); // Creates and stores an invite object with the specified public key
    accept(...);       // Called by existing Psibase accounts to accept an invite without creating a new Psibase account
    acceptCreate(...); // Called by the system account "invited-sys" to accept an invite and simultaneously create the new account 'acceptedBy', which is authenticated by the provided 'newAccountKey' public key
    reject(...);       // Called by existing accounts or the system account "invited-sys" to reject an invite. Once an invite is rejected, it cannot be accepted or used to create a new account
    delInvite(...);    // Used by the creator of an invite to delete it. Deleted invites are removed from the database. An invite can be deleted regardless of whether it has been accepted, rejected, or is still pending
    delExpired(...);   // Used by anyone to garbage collect expired invites. Up to 'maxDeleted' invites can be deleted by calling this action
    setWhitelist(...); // Called by this service itself to restrict the accounts that are able to create invites. Only whitelisted accounts may create invites
    setBlacklist(...); // Called by this service itself to restrict the accounts that are able to create invites. Blacklisted accounts may not create invites
    getInvite(...);    // Called synchronously by other services to retrieve the invite record corresponding to the provided 'pubkey' public key
    isExpired(...);    // Called synchronously by other services to query whether the invite record corresponding to the provided `pubkey` public key is expired
    checkClaim(...);   // Called synchronously by other services to query whether the specified actor should be allowed to claim the invite specified by the `pubkey` public key.
    serveSys(...);     // Called by the http-server system service when an HttpRequest is directed at this invite service

This service facilitates the creation and redemption of invites.

Invites are generic and their acceptance can, but does not always, result in the creation of a new Psibase account. This service can be used by third party applications to streamline their user onboarding.

Only this system service and Accounts are permitted to create new accounts.


    psio::shared_view_ptr<psibase::Action> action

Constructor prevents actions from being called until after init() has been called.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::init();

Called once during chain initialization.

  1. Registers this service as an RPC/gql query handler
  2. Configures itself for manual debiting
  3. Creates the "invites-sys" system account used to create new accounts


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::createInvite(
    Spki inviteKey

Creates and stores an invite object with the specified public key.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::accept(
    Spki inviteKey

Called by existing Psibase accounts to accept an invite without creating a new Psibase account.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::acceptCreate(
    Spki                   inviteKey,
    psibase::AccountNumber acceptedBy,
    Spki                   newAccountKey

Called by the system account "invited-sys" to accept an invite and simultaneously create the new account 'acceptedBy', which is authenticated by the provided 'newAccountKey' public key.

Each invite may be used to redeem a maximum of one new account.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::reject(
    Spki inviteKey

Called by existing accounts or the system account "invited-sys" to reject an invite. Once an invite is rejected, it cannot be accepted or used to create a new account.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::delInvite(
    Spki inviteKey

Used by the creator of an invite to delete it. Deleted invites are removed from the database. An invite can be deleted regardless of whether it has been accepted, rejected, or is still pending.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::delExpired(
    uint32_t maxDeleted

Used by anyone to garbage collect expired invites. Up to 'maxDeleted' invites can be deleted by calling this action.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::setWhitelist(
    std::vector<psibase::AccountNumber> accounts

Called by this service itself to restrict the accounts that are able to create invites. Only whitelisted accounts may create invites.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::setBlacklist(
    std::vector<psibase::AccountNumber> accounts

Called by this service itself to restrict the accounts that are able to create invites. Blacklisted accounts may not create invites.


std::optional<InviteRecord> UserService::InviteNs::Invite::getInvite(
    Spki pubkey

Called synchronously by other services to retrieve the invite record corresponding to the provided 'pubkey' public key.


bool UserService::InviteNs::Invite::isExpired(
    Spki pubkey

Called synchronously by other services to query whether the invite record corresponding to the provided pubkey public key is expired.


void UserService::InviteNs::Invite::checkClaim(
    psibase::AccountNumber actor,
    Spki                   pubkey

Called synchronously by other services to query whether the specified actor should be allowed to claim the invite specified by the pubkey public key..

To be considered a valid interaction, the following criteria must be met:

  • The invite must exist
  • The invite must be in the accepted state
  • The invite actor must be the same as the specified actor parameter
  • The invite must not be expired


std::optional<psibase::HttpReply> UserService::InviteNs::Invite::serveSys(
    psibase::HttpRequest request

Called by the http-server system service when an HttpRequest is directed at this invite service.


struct UserService::InviteNs::InviteSettingsRecord {
    psibase::SingletonKey               key;       
    std::vector<psibase::AccountNumber> whitelist; 
    std::vector<psibase::AccountNumber> blacklist; 

Table to track the contents of the invite creation whitelist and blacklist.


struct UserService::InviteNs::InviteRecord {
    Spki                   pubkey;          // The public key of the invite. This uniquely identifies an invite and may also used to authenticate the transaction accepting the invite.
    psibase::AccountNumber inviter;         // The creator of the invite object
    psibase::AccountNumber actor;           // The last account to accept or reject the invite
    psibase::TimePointSec  expiry;          // The time in seconds at which this invite expires
    bool                   newAccountToken; // A flag that represents whether a new account may still be created by redeeming this invite
    uint8_t                state;           // An integer representing whether the invite is: - pending (0) - accepted (1) - rejected (2)


An invite object.


tuple<const AccountNumber &, const SubjectPublicKeyInfo &> UserService::InviteNs::InviteRecord::secondary() const;